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  • 2025-02-11 07:18:51

Article Summary: This article provides a detailed guide on the new build strategy for League of Legends champion Brand, the Burning Vengeance. Covering four key aspects, this guide aims to enhance your gameplay with Brand by optimizing your item choices and playstyle.

1、Itemization Analysis

Brand's itemization is crucial for maximizing his damage potential. Starting with the core items like Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace can significantly boost his output. Additionally, items like Rylai's Crystal Scepter can provide utility by slowing down enemies.

When choosing between different items, consider the enemy team composition and adapt your build accordingly. For example, if facing a tanky team, items like void staff may be more beneficial to penetrate their defenses.

Furthermore, experimenting with situational items like Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil can provide survivability in challenging matchups or against high burst champions.

2、Playstyle Adjustments

Understanding Brand's strengths and weaknesses is key to utilizing his kit effectively. Playing aggressively in the laning phase to poke down opponents with abilities like Sear and Pillar of Flame can establish early dominance.

Positioning is crucial for Brand in team fights. Staying at a safe distance while landing his skill shots can ensure maximum impact without being caught out of position.


Coordinating with your team to set up combos with Brand's ultimate, Pyroclasm, can result in devastating AoE damage that can turn the tide of team fights.

3、Rune Selection Tips

The choice of runes can complement Brand's kit and playstyle. Electrocute is a popular choice for burst damage, especially in the early game. Pairing it with runes like Cheap Shot and Eyeball Collection can further enhance his kill potential.

Alternatively, for a more sustained damage approach, runes like Arcane Comet can provide consistent poke throughout the game. Gathering Storm and Scorch can also amplify Brand's damage output in the late game.

Experimenting with different rune setups based on personal preference and playstyle can help optimize your performance on Brand.

4、Matchup Strategy

Understanding the matchups Brand excels in and those where he may struggle is essential for success. Brand performs well against immobile champions who are susceptible to his skill shot harassment.


However, he may face difficulties against highly mobile champions who can easily dodge his abilities. In such matchups, focusing on farming safely and scaling into the mid to late game can be more beneficial.

Adapting your playstyle and itemization based on the specific matchups you encounter can maximize your impact on the game as Brand.


In conclusion, mastering the new item build strategy for Brand, the Burning Vengeance, involves a combination of optimal itemization, playstyle adjustments, rune selection, and matchup strategies. By carefully considering each aspect of this guide and applying them in your games, you can elevate your Brand gameplay to new heights and dominate on the Rift.